I love everyone at TRE. Helped us navigate an overwhelming system, and helped turn my son’s life around. Everyone has always been knowledgeable, compassionate, and eager to help, no matter the problem.
The Resource Exchange
I love everyone at TRE. Helped us navigate an overwhelming system, and helped turn my son’s life around. Everyone has always been knowledgeable, compassionate, and eager to help, no matter the problem.
Main Office:
6385 Corporate Drive Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
(719) 380-1100
(719) 439-9664 after hours
(877) 611-7808 toll free
(844) 330-7457 fax
(719) 577-9190 Early Childhood Services Team
(844) 207-6957 Early Childhood Fax
201 W. 8th Street Suite 600
Pueblo, CO 81003
(719) 601-9991
(877) 423-0323 toll free
Woodland Park/Teller County
509 Scott Avenue Suite 203
Woodland Park, CO 80866
(719) 380-1100
Bailey/Park County
460 CO Rd 43
Bailey, CO 80421