Building a healthy foundation early in life can help a child learn, grow, and thrive!
Based on what is best for your child and your family, our hybrid model provides parent-child coaching using a combination of in-person services within the child’s home and telehealth online. Through both methods, TRE promotes learning in comfortable and familiar settings, using your child’s activities and routines as tools to learn. Additionally, we connect parents to evidence-based classes to build a strong social-emotional foundation for your child.
Early Intervention
Early Intervention (EI) meets a child’s need in their natural environment, designed for infants and toddlers ages birth to three years old, with developmental delays, and is provided to Colorado families at no cost, regardless of income or insurance. Developmental supports and services are provided to children ages birth through three years old who may need support reaching developmental milestones like crawling or speaking or children who have different developmental needs. TRE Early Intervention teams are pediatric professionals geographically located throughout southern Colorado and comprise a collaborative group of physical, occupational, speech, and behavioral therapists, developmental interventionists, and nutritionists who work together to coordinate and implement the most effective treatment plans for the infants and children they serve.
Because an infant or toddler learns through interactions, parents and other caregivers are important members of TRE’s Early Intervention team. TRE’s Early Intervention program employs and contracts with many early intervention service providers. These providers maintain appropriate credentials and licensure for their professional disciplines. Additionally, The Resource Exchange partners with local school districts to determine eligibility and then deliver services in the child’s home.
1 in 8 Colorado children are affected by a developmental delay or social-emotional challenge, but in many cases, if they receive supports before kindergarten, they can reach their full potential. Approximately one-third of children receiving TRE Early Intervention services need no additional supports after their third birthday.
TRE Early Intervention is provided at NO cost, regardless of income or insurance. TRE is the only official Early Intervention provider in El Paso, Park, and Teller counties (Part C) and also offers additional supports from successful transition to preschool to evidence-based parenting classes. We are dedicated to the success of the entire family.
Early Childhood Mental Health
TRE provides Early Childhood Mental Health consultations at no cost and is committed to supporting parents and caregivers to foster strong social-emotional development in our children. Our licensed professionals work with families, teachers, day care workers, and administrators to create a positive experience in a child’s formative years.
97% of children in TRE’s Early Childhood Mental Health programs showed an increase in positive social-emotional skills, ability to learn, and use of appropriate behaviors.
TRE Early Childhood Services Team
Early Intervention Intake Form
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Referral Form
No cost for therapy sessions or coordination | No deductibles | No copays
What makes TRE Early Intervention so unique?
- TRE early childhood professionals have an average of 26 years experience
- Many are board-certified behavior analysts
- We offer bilingual therapists in Spanish and American Sign Language
Through our comprehensive, official services and parent-child coaching, our supports can improve a child’s ability to develop and learn. Our Early Intervention teams are geographically located throughout southern Colorado and comprise a collaborative group of physical, occupational, speech, and behavioral therapists, developmental interventionists, nutritionists, and service coordinators who work together to coordinate and implement the most effective treatment plans for the infants and children we serve.
Approximately one-third of children we serve receiving Early Intervention need no additional supports after their third birthday.
Because an infant or toddler learns through interactions, parents and other caregivers are important members of TRE’s Early Intervention team. We employ and contract with many early intervention service providers who maintain appropriate credentials and licensure for their professional disciplines and receive ongoing training in their chosen fields. We also partner with local school districts to determine eligibility and then deliver services in the child’s home.
We are dedicated to the success of the entire family. In addition to Early Intervention supports and service plans for the children we serve, TRE offers our families resources to strengthen a family’s social-emotional connections, parent-child bonds, and a variety of evidence-based classes. Your Service Coordinator can connect you to these valuable offerings, provided at no cost to our families.
What services and supports does TRE Early Intervention provide?
- Developmental Intervention
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Language Therapy
- Autism Supports and Services
- Behavioral Health
- Service Coordination
- Early Childhood Mental Health
- Social-Emotional Services
- Psychology and Parental Support Methods
- Health and Medical Services
- Nursing Services
- Assistive Technology Services
- Audiology Services
- Sign Language and Cued Language Services
- Vision Services
- Nutrition Services
- Feeding and Swallowing Techniques
- Transportation Services
When is my child eligible for Early Intervention?
- If the family and child lives in Colorado
- The child is birth to 3 years old
- The child is determined eligible based on one of the following criteria:
1) Developmental Delay
A child may be determined eligible because the child has a significant delay in one or more of the following developmental areas as determined by a comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation: thinking and learning skills (cognitive development); moving, seeing, and hearing (physical development); understanding and using sounds, gestures, and words (communication development); responding to and developing relationships with other people (social-emotional development); taking care of one’s self when doing things like feeding or dressing (adaptive development).
2) Diagnosis
A child may be determined eligible because the child has been diagnosed with a physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in a significant developmental delay or disability as the child gets older, even though the child may not currently have an observable delay or disability. A list of conditions that will qualify a child for early intervention services in Colorado is available at Early Intervention Colorado within the family section.
3) Parent has a Documented Developmental Disability
A child may be eligible for developmental intervention and parent education services if the child’s parent/s have a documented developmental disability.
Early Childhood Mental Health
Research tells us that social-emotional development is foundational for children’s success in life. TRE provides comprehensive Early Childhood Mental Health services for children and their parents and caregivers, offering innovative programs that provide all-embracing support for families.
Parents and/or caregivers interested in extra support through an early childhood mental health consultation are encouraged to complete the online referral form from the Colorado Office of Early Childhood here: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Referral Form or call 303.866.5948 or toll free at 1.800.799.5876.
TRE Early Childhood Mental Health Brochure
What do I do next?
Please call us at 719.577.9190 or complete our Early Intervention Intake Form.
A Service Coordinator is your main point of contact and will guide you in learning more about early intervention and completing necessary paperwork to determine your child’s eligibility for services. An Early Intervention Service Coordinator will be assigned to you and your family to assist you throughout the process. Anyone can refer a child under the age of three for whom they have a concern about the child’s development.

How will my Service Coordinator help?
- Coordinates services for your family, working with pediatricians, specialists, clinics, hospitals, home health, or anyone else to ensure the best plan of action for you and your family
- Connects your family to valuable community resources including activities, rent resources, food assistance, and more
- Helps children transition into public preschool including direct referral or coordination to no cost preschool/therapy
- Ensures funding is properly coordinated and services are provided at no cost to your family
- Advocates for your children and your family
- Helps your family understand your rights
Learn more here about how a Service Coordinator helps implement your services.
Together with my Service Coordinator, who else might be helping me?
TRE professionals have extensive expertise in a variety of fields and not only work with you based on your child’s needs, but also collaborate with each other to develop goals and maintain communication about their progress. Here are some helpful descriptions of the pediatric professionals on our team.
Developmental Interventionist
- Knowledge about overall childhood development and learning
- May have training as an Early Childhood Educator
- May have specific expertise with autism or training in behavior management
- May have specific expertise with children with vision or hearing loss
Developmental Interventionist: Social-Emotional
- Has additional expertise in infant mental health and may be a licensed mental health provider
- May have specific education in a variety of parent trainings
- Helps families understand the specific social-emotional needs of their child
Occupational Therapist
- Knowledge of motor, self-help, and sensory development, with strategies to assist during daily routines
- Helps family adapt activities and equipment based on their child’s needs
- Focuses on fine-motor skills such as visual motor skills, feeding and grasping that require small muscles
Physical Therapist
- Knowledge of motor development and movement
- Helps family adapt everyday activities to facilitate posture and mobility
- Focuses on gross-motor skills such as crawling and walking that require large muscles
Speech Language Pathologist
- Knowledge of language, feeding, and swallowing development and needs
- Helps family promote their child’s language and communication development
- Helps families develop alternative communication strategies for children who are not ready for verbal communication
Registered Dietician
- Integral part of the feeding team
- Addresses food allergies, diet restrictions, etc.
- Can help identify specific diet recommendations for transitioning from tube feeding
Early Childhood Mental Health Team
- Licensed Mental Health providers
- For children 0-8 yrs of age with a variety of early mental health or behavior challenges
- Consultative model addresses concerns surrounding expulsion from Early Care and Learning sites
Early Intervention Interpreter
- May be a bilingual provider in a specialty area
- May be an employed interpreter or outside agency who translates for a family and their provider(s)
TRE Early Intervention is provided to Colorado families at no cost in El Paso, Park, and Teller counties, regardless of income or insurance, by an experienced team of dedicated professionals. TRE also offers comprehensive additional supports from help with transition to preschool to evidence-based parenting classes. We are dedicated to the success of the entire family.
No cost for therapy sessions or coordination | No deductibles | No copays
Give us a call at 719.577.9190 or complete our Early Intervention Intake Form.
Helpful Links
TRE Early Childhood Services brochure
TRE Early Childhood Services brochure – Spanish
TRE Early Childhood Mental Health brochure
How is eligibility determined?
What are my rights as a parent?
FREE Early Childhood materials from the CDC
Bright by Three Early Childhood development program
Early Intervention Colorado Video Introductions
Update from Early Intervention Colorado:
For more information, please visit
Early Intervention Rules and Statutes