We asked what she might tell another parent who was thinking about asking TRE for support? She says, “I would tell them to take advantage of the high level of expertise that TRE therapists have and the resources at their disposal. I would tell them to absolutely move forward in asking for help and in making time to have sessions as often as the therapist suggests.
The therapists that have supported my daughter’s journey through her first three years of life have graciously and eagerly imparted a vast array of wisdom and knowledge pertaining to speech, language acquisition, fine and gross motor skills, and physical development. My daughter’s ability to fully engage in the world around her has been heightened through her work with our TRE therapists. She has met developmental milestones I would not have anticipated, which has allowed her a sense of independence and autonomy.
I have learned dozens and dozens of techniques to enhance her playtime so that she is learning and practicing skills without knowing it. Each session brought with it new ideas for engaging in active play where skills could be reinforced and introduced. I have learned to notice more about my daughter as she moves through each day. I have learned to look for opportunities to practice skills and learn and to make time for that.”