From the pandemic to the Great Resignation to ongoing recruitment and retention challenges, the workplace has seen a flood of challenges in the last few years. According to a SHRM global workplace culture report just released, a key finding shows that, “most workers who have thought about leaving their current organization work in organizations with poor cultures. Ninety percent of workers who rate their organizational culture as poor have thought about quitting; 72 percent of workers who rate their organizational culture as average have thought about quitting; and 32 percent of workers who rate their organizational culture as good have thought about quitting.”
At The Resource Exchange, we know that culture is a critical driver of satisfaction at work, which directly drives satisfaction for people receiving services from TRE.
With this in mind, we are taking a systematic approach to building the cultural foundation we believe will drive a positive work environment. Just this spring, we launched a new initiative at TRE to ritualize behaviors that drive effective culture. We kicked off “TRE’s Cultural Roots” at our April 2022 All Staff Meeting. This work was developed with intention, thought, and collaboration. Our Executive Team and members of our staff read the book, “Culture by Design“ as part of developing this initiative. Nearly 30 cultural “roots” were identified as critical to our work, and we are currently sharing and discussing these guideposts weekly as an organization.
With this in mind, we are taking a systematic approach to building the cultural foundation we believe will drive a positive work environment. Just this spring, we launched a new initiative at TRE to ritualize behaviors that drive effective culture. We kicked off “TRE’s Cultural Roots” at our April 2022 All Staff Meeting. This work was developed with intention, thought, and collaboration. Our Executive Team and members of our staff read the book, “Culture by Design“ as part of developing this initiative. Nearly 30 cultural “roots” were identified as critical to our work, and we are currently sharing and discussing these guideposts weekly as an organization.
We are delighted to share them with you, featuring an organizational root with you via this blog every month.
If you follow TRE on social media, you may be familiar with our hashtag, “#ThisIsTRE.” When we share this hashtag, we truly want our employees, partners, donors, stakeholders, and community at large to know what that means. It conveys the core of our work: Empowering People. Strengthening Families. Building Inclusive Communities, but it is also meant to draw focus to the culture, people, and dedication behind that work.
These roots reflect who we are, what drives our work, and the profound commitment to our number one priority: the people we serve.
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